Sunday, January 2, 2011

Photo a day Jan 2011 Day 1

Like many bloggers I know I have started a challenge of a photo a day.

Mine was going to be a photo a day of my 3 kids. Not only was our New Years Day one of utter laziness and the camera never came out at all but I have also decided that by day 2 is I was to hold onto the love my children have for me and the camera i would need to not put the pressure on them or myself to get a group shot of all 3 of them every day.

So my theme for my photo a day is just life.

The nuts and bolts, good and bad, happy and sad of our life through January.

Hay and so far so good even if i did miss a day.

My first photo day 1 is of my 3 children, covered in dirt from the playground after our picnic

day1  photo a day Jan 2011  iphone pic   .....picnic at the park


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